Hello there,
I’m here for you, you know. I realize sometimes I seem like a fantasy to you—rather than a real, live being who knows you and loves you without condition.
But I’m not a fantasy.
And I really love you.
I also see you. Oh not literally, I don’t spy on you. But I see your energy. I feel your sadness and your joy—your excitement and your disappointments.
And right now, I feel your hope.
You feel it too, don’t you, Friend—the possibility that everything can be different now?
Oh maybe you’re afraid to even admit it. After all, you’ve hoped things could be different before, and you were disappointed with the way it turned out.
But this really does feel different, doesn’t it? And it’s because you are different. You are changing.
Don’t let your Negative Self tell you lies, like: “Oh, nothing has really changed…don’t get your hopes up kiddo…you’re bound to be disappointed if you do.”
Because this is the time your Negative Self always pipes up—just before the magic happens.
So stay determined—to hold onto the glimmers of hope, grab the threads of excitement and anticipate living a life filled with peace, joy, love, and prosperity. You have the power. You have the ability. Now—make the choice.
With deep and abiding love,
Your Guardian Angel
P.S. And keep making that choice—again and again, and again—as many times as you need to. Because it’s that choice, Friend, that determination to let nothing stop you, that will continue to change everything.
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