Hello there,
Did you know that babies die when they don’t receive enough love? Human beings need love.They need love to survive – to thrive.
You—need love.
And the good news is, you are loved more than you could possibly imagine. You are loved as much as it is possible to be loved.
God and Goddess love you—unconditionally and forever. I love you—unequivocally and with great joy. And scads more of your unseen friends love you too.
Now Friend, why do you suppose you don’t let all that love in?
Yep, that’s right—You don’t love yourself (as much as you could anyway).
You still judge yourself. You still punish yourself. You still hold yourself to impossible standards. And you still do not realize the divine spark of consciousness that you are.
It is time now, dear one, to fall in love again—with you.
The more you realize you are loveable—the more you will love yourself. And the more you love yourself—the better your life will get. You will create more abundance, health, fun, creativity, joy, success and beautiful relationships.
So what do you say? Can you be a bit kinder to yourself today? Can you treat yourself as you would treat me? Will you hold the intention to love yourself as much as you possibly can? And will you open to the love that is here for you?
I know you can do this, Friend. For your core is love.
With endless & abounding love,
Your Guardian Angel
P.S. Loving yourself sometimes means making time to be alone to think or meditate. Sometimes it means feeding your body, mind or soul. And sometimes it means saying “no” to others. How can you best love yourself today?
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