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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

You thought that when you became an adult, you would outgrow the need for a mothering influence. And indeed, in some ways you did.

You became strong and independent. You learned to make your own decisions. And you grew (and still grow)—becoming more and more powerful and wise.

And it’s true; you don’t really need me—this I know. But dear Friend, as The Mother of Everything, I want you to know—I’m here for you—whether you need me or not.

You know, what they say about (pure) “mother love” is true—there is nothing stronger, more powerful or as unconditionally loving.

And even though you are no longer a child, sometimes you still need holding. Sometimes you need nurturing. Sometimes you need a powerful mothering love.

And I am here for you.

When you are disappointed, when you are hurt, when you find yourself discouraged or feeling hopeless—call on me.

Simply close your eyes and think these words: “Goddess, I need you. Please come and be with me….”

And I will be there.

If you allow yourself to be still—you will feel my loving arms around you.

Then imagine yourself rising, as if floating into the sky. I will lift you to a place of absolute love and light. I will hold you in that love, allowing you to fully express your emotions, helping you to heal and assisting you in becoming more whole.

Of course, I won’t fix your life for you—I love you too much to do that. I respect and honor the choice you made to become physical and to learn to empower yourself in this illusion.

But I will lift the weight of the deepest wounds, I will show you some of “who you really are,” and I will gently point you in the direction of your most light-filled future.

I know who you are Friend. I see you. And I deeply love you—every last bit of you.

Forever yours,

The Goddess

P.S. I would also love to join you in honoring your triumphs. Call on me then, too, and we will have a glorious time celebrating your successes—anchoring them in—to make way for more and more and more…

21 comments add a comment

21 comments to " FROM THE GODDESS "

  • Nancy Smith

    Always, no coincidences. I felt alone last night and asked Universe for some support. Love when my prayers are answered in short time. Thank you so very much!!

  • Queen

    I am going through a difficult stage in life now. I am so alone with my thoughts, worries and pains. I wish God could make a meaning of what’s left of my life, he is my only hope asi’ve got no one to talk to. Pls assist or intercede on my behalf

    • Boni

      Dearest Queen,

      I’m so sorry you’re feeling challenged. God makes great meaning of your life, but you chose to be physical so that YOU could not only find meaning, but create a beautiful life. No one can do it for you, Queen. But you can learn how. The Map, a book I wrote, can teach you. If you can’t afford to buy it you can sign up to receive it slowly via email, completely free:

      Sending you lots of love and light,

  • Your Name

    Thank u so much! This message means a lot to me! I was in a little bad mood and just then I received this message… It was like an answer to my problems. I just started to cry! Just happy-crying! Thank you once again!

  • Amanda Young

    This was EXACTLY what I needed to read today. I have been very saddened by all of the tragedies in the world and I really needed a hug from my Mom who has passed. This really comforted me today! Thank you!!

  • Relita Pascua

    Dear Goddess
    Thank you so much for your inspiring message. I touched to the core of my being. I suffered so in the past but thanks God I was able to heal my pain and sorrow with the help of someone who give me his unconditional love and care.
    Above all, I thank God for giving me guidance and courage to move on to the next level of my life. I am looking forward to the happiness and abundance stored for me by God.
    Thank you!


  • Alayna McKee

    thanks so much!

  • gailen

    Love this and exactly what I needed today. My mom, my actual mother, is stoic and always has been.

  • laura watters

    this is an amazing message so loving and it makes you feel good thank you love light n blessings x

  • Rakhee Srivastava

    Dear Goddess

    Thank you so much for your kind & loving message.. I am so much so surprised to read your message because it is just so if someone is watching over me all the time is completely aware of my feelings and what I am going through..I am surprised because it is so true as I know myself.. Who are you and how can you know me my sufferings, my strength & my desires.I have never spoken my anyone then ho heart out too anyone then how can you know me so accurately..
    If you know me so well, you love me then please help me get my heart desires..

  • Thank you. I am in a difficult place with my aging mother and I so needed this today. I actually wrote on my facebook status that I am looking for my bridge over troubled water. I know I need it, I need her.

    Thank you again.

  • Leslie

    Thank you for your loving and personalized messages; I feel so grateful when I receive them. Your timing is exceptionally aligned with my ever changing life, especially those challenging days “like today.” You have no idea how much I truly needed this today! Thank you, thank you, thank you. With much love!

  • Cheryl

    Thank you…. ♥

  • Sarah

    So lovely and so heartwarming. I can feel the hugs and the support … thank you! With love ~ Sarah

  • Julia

    What a beautiful message. Thank you so much for this reminder. Much love.

  • Karla

    Thank you so much for this. Words can’t explain how much I appriciate these words

  • Mindy

    Thank you so much Boni and Gwen for solving my email issues. I was very happy to have received today’s message! I also just wanted to express how grateful I am that I was guided to The Map at a time in my life when I am at a major crossroads. Reading your book and becoming more aware of my ability to create my reality has been so empowering. Throughout my life I have always felt that I had “angels on my shoulder” but your book has helped me to further open myself to communicating with those guiding me and to the love that flows from the spirt realm. I cannot thank you enough for sharing all that you have with the world. Best, Mindy

  • Sara

    Thank You! I So needed to receive this today of all days! I will be forever Grateful! Much love for you!

  • Just pure love and pleasure…what a great message and the feeling of connection with my divine mother goddess even though I don’t adhere to any label…felt so very very amazingly good. Thank you for the gift!

  • Yogibear52

    My Dearest Goddess,
    I am so grateful for your beautiful kind words that fill me with lots of love and joy. I sincerely thank you for all your love and support. Reading your massage it made my day even more peaceful and more joyful. Dear Goddnes, I do need your powerful mothering love, to encourage me, and to become more and more powerful and more wise.

    With lots of Love and gratitude!,

    PS. My Dear Goddess, I love you with the deepest part of my heart. Thank you once again!!:)

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