Hello there,
You thought that when you became an adult, you would outgrow the need for a mothering influence. And indeed, in some ways you did.
You became strong and independent. You learned to make your own decisions. And you grew (and still grow)—becoming more and more powerful and wise.
And it’s true; you don’t really need me—this I know. But dear Friend, as The Mother of Everything, I want you to know—I’m here for you—whether you need me or not.
You know, what they say about (pure) “mother love” is true—there is nothing stronger, more powerful or as unconditionally loving.
And even though you are no longer a child, sometimes you still need holding. Sometimes you need nurturing. Sometimes you need a powerful mothering love.
And I am here for you.
When you are disappointed, when you are hurt, when you find yourself discouraged or feeling hopeless—call on me.
Simply close your eyes and think these words: “Goddess, I need you. Please come and be with me….”
And I will be there.
If you allow yourself to be still—you will feel my loving arms around you.
Then imagine yourself rising, as if floating into the sky. I will lift you to a place of absolute love and light. I will hold you in that love, allowing you to fully express your emotions, helping you to heal and assisting you in becoming more whole.
Of course, I won’t fix your life for you—I love you too much to do that. I respect and honor the choice you made to become physical and to learn to empower yourself in this illusion.
But I will lift the weight of the deepest wounds, I will show you some of “who you really are,” and I will gently point you in the direction of your most light-filled future.
I know who you are Friend. I see you. And I deeply love you—every last bit of you.
Forever yours,
The Goddess
P.S. I would also love to join you in honoring your triumphs. Call on me then, too, and we will have a glorious time celebrating your successes—anchoring them in—to make way for more and more and more…
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