Hello there,
Will you please stop for a moment?
Your life is so full, your attention so scattered. You multi-task without even realizing you are multi-tasking. So please…
Just “be” for a minute—a full minute, okay? Then come back to this message.
I asked you to be still for a moment because it’s in the stillness that you connect with who you really are. When you’re still you connect with your guidance, your power, your deepest desires, your intuition, and your heart and soul. In today’s world, dear Friend, stillness is imperative.
You don’t need long. Set your timer for five minutes, first thing in the morning, and that five minutes of stillness will serve you far more than ten hours of work or 24 hours of worry.
I love you Friend, so, so deeply and absolutely unconditionally. And I want you to create a life you cherish—a life that’s juicy and fulfilling, abundant and fun. You have everything within you to do that, dearest one, but sometimes you forget how.
I’m here to remind you—be still for a few minutes a day, set your intention to create a life you love, and you will be guided as to the steps to take.
Life was meant to be a physical expression of the divine, where beauty and light and creativity come together to create more than there was before. It’s a beautiful plan that you had for this lifetime. Let’s get back to it, shall we?
Call upon me to help you. I would love to assist.
With tremendous love for you,
The Goddess
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