Hello there,
I love you so deeply – so unconditionally – that you would weep could you let even the tiniest bit of that love in.
You don’t have to earn my love. You don’t have to live up to my love. In fact, you don’t have to do anything.
Well, actually, Friend, there is one thing I’d like you to do for me – not to earn my love, that is a given – but as a favor to me. I’d really love it if you could love yourself without condition too.
You do a good job of loving me and your other unseen friends without condition. You don’t base your love and acceptance on how much we weigh, what we look like, how well we do at a given task, what our job status is, or any other arbitrary measurement.
You just love us.
And I’d love it if you’d just love you too – without condition.
Because Friend, like it or not, accept it or not, you are us. You are divine. And you are deserving of unlimited unconditional love.
The really wonderful side-effect of that love, is that it will make creating your reality on earth so much easier and more elegant. Synchronicities and opportunities will abound – offering new levels of success, joy, fun and abundance.
You are deserving of that, too. And I would love to see you create it.
With deep and profound love,
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