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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

I would like you to get to know me better.

You see, I know you—inside and out. Oh, I know sometimes you would prefer I didn’t know you. There are some things you do that you’d rather I didn’t see.

But, dearest Friend, there is nothing you could do or say or be that would make me love you less. Nothing.

No matter what you do—I don’t judge you—ever. And my love for you is unconditional—always.

Oh I wish I could cradle you in my arms and tenderly hold you. I would banish all your fears with the knowledge that everything you are afraid of is merely an illusion. I would get you to see your beauty, grace and divinity.

But I know these are discoveries you want to make on your own. And so I will not rob you from your chosen experience.

But I will remind you dear one, of the unimaginable depths of love I have for you. And dear Friend, I remind you that I am here to do more than love you—I am here to assist you. When you are ready, all you have to do is ask.

And when you do, I will guide you. I will whisper in your ear. I will speak to your heart.

But you will have to listen carefully to hear me. You will have to be still and listen to that silent voice within you. Because that voice, dearest one, is me.

With all my love,


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37 comments to " FROM GOD "

  • Adeduro Felix Adesanmi

    i am so glad for the messages from my unseen Angels. The messages always come at the right time – solving so many issues that affect me. i am grateful for the messages.

  • Pamela Katsvara

    thank you, came at the right time you have no idea what it just did to me

  • Kimberly

    God, how much fun I have had though as you know it’s gets so serious here on earth, I only want to have a connection to you with love and happiness anything else is a waste, I am remembering how good it is, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, please help and guide me, though I always know you with me, guiding me, Lots & Lots of Love & Light Always Kimberly

  • Rachel

    These messages always come to me when I need them most-thank you

  • Animesh Singh

    God… me….to keep control over my emotions,mind and body please…..

  • leslie steinhauer

    absolutely beautiful

  • Heddey

    Thank you God.. I’m greatful for your love and message..

  • Rachel Fisck

    I really needed to hear that. I am very grateful that you are concerned about me. I did not think I mattered at all to anyone. I look forward to more mail from you. You made me feel much better. Rachel

  • L.

    Hmm…I know this. I own this. Man has nothing over God and I sit and observe when I read these things lately. I call it putting words in God’s mouth when one already knows this. Be blessed.

  • JoDean

    Thank you… as always perfect timing

  • Marjorie Boon

    Thank You. I needed that.

  • Your Name

    Thank you,once again support and comfort just when my fears were threatening to overwhelm me.

  • jerryp

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, God. I love you too, and I will learn to be still and listen and know, so I can lve you and others better. Amen.

  • Sandra

    Thank You God for Loving Me before i ever loved you.
    Your ways are Higher then Mine,
    The more I learn about you the more i know you have always been in my life.
    Please continue to watch over me and my loved ones.
    Love, your Daughter,

  • Tamika

    I can’t describe in words the realness I felt reading this message as if it was designation was intended for me on time uplifting an needed in every way to discover beauty greatness an success a moment like this takes my breath away blessings to u

  • Pam

    I know my Dear Lord that your always right beside me…I listen to you when ever you speak to me! I wish everybody would believe in your love like I do…Thank you! Love you Father!

  • Janet

    Blessed every time I receive my messages from God! Thank you!

  • vjpeltier

    It amazes me how timely these messages are. They are having a huge impact on my life. This morning while sitting quietly to hear the voice of God, (almost like listening for the cry of a hawk), I hear God chuckle, feel his love and acceptance. I break into a big smile myself and then hear,”Boni needs an atta girl too”… So here you go…”Atta Girl Boni”…from God.

  • rosyroux

    Dear God I thank you for your Love.I open my heart to you.Please help me to live without a drug.I believe you’re in my heart,but my ego gets in the way.Please help me to Let Go of who I think I am and rise up to the respect and dignity.

  • Liz

    Father God – thank you for being the God who sees me and my struggles. Thank you for caring and loving me. Thank you for having a big faith in me, even when mine falls short. Thank you for caring about me.

  • Helen

    Thank you LORD for loving me. I LOVE YOU with all my HEART!

  • Robin

    Thank you, I needed to hear this. <3

  • Lisa

    Thank you so much! Things I know, but need to be reminded of from time to time Came at just the perfect moment. Namaste!!

  • cyndi

    i so needed to hear your words

  • Marcela Guajardo

    I am always thank you for your incondional love…God is in me…so i can feel the message in the deep of my heart. It s wonderful! Thanks a lot!

  • Elfreda

    I need these messages as I do get caught up in fears and anxieties. All the love and encouragement and comfort is much needed, and i welcome all you wish to send. Thank You.

  • Yogibear52

    Dear God,
    I truly thank you for loving me unconditionally. I love you God with all my might I really do! I would truly love hear your voice God. I know that with patience and pratice I will.

  • Marc

    Thank you our unconditional love and patience.

  • Audra

    Thank you for ♡ this message !

  • Sandra

    Wonderful to hear

  • Stacy

    Your messages always come at just the right time! Thank you

  • Debra

    That was so beautiful. Thank you so much for these emails that come when needed the most. What a blessing you are.

  • Jephias Mundondo

    What good grounded reminder, thanks, Jeph

  • lil

    I love you God with all my heart thank you I needed to hear that today

  • Tam

    Really want my fears to fade away.

  • Rodney

    Thanks for the love you’ve placed in me today.

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