Hello there,
It’s been quite a lifetime, hasn’t it? Ups and downs…successes and disappointments…triumphs and challenges.
Think back, Friend, to when you first began to grow. And look at how far you’ve come.
Oh it hasn’t always been easy growth has it? But still…you opened, you learned and you became more of who you really are.
Let it in. You have grown—a lot.
And I have been with you Friend, every step of the way. I’ve watched you, cheered for you, cried for you and loved you.
Every. Single. Step.
But now, dear one, you are coming to another plateau. You are coming to a place of more profound growth than you’ve ever experienced before.
And you are finally getting it—you really are powerful. You really are worthy. You really are a piece of Me.
And now, from this new place, it’s time to dream again. It’s time to imagine what you want your life to look like, to feel like and to be like.
No, it won’t happen overnight. But it will happen—if you dream it—and if you allow it.
With ever expanding love,
P.S. With your dreams, as with your growth, I’ll be with you dearest Friend. And if you call upon Me, I can help you to manifest them.
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