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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

Do you understand yet?

No one is “out there” doing anything to you. There isn’t really a circumstance imaginable that could affect your reality without your consent.

You, my dear, are divinity personified. Anything you want goes. Anything.

It’s as if the only one that exists is you. Imagine—you are all. And everyone you see, interact with, and come in contact with, are simply supporting actors in your play.

It does take a while to let this in, and to become proficient in the manifestation of the play you desire. But that’s okay. You have all the time in the world—because time doesn’t really exist.

But Friend, enjoy your play. Let it be fun. Allow yourself to know how deeply you are loved and supported—because you are—by me.

I want only the best for you, dear one. The most joy, fun, success and laughter imaginable. And you can create it. You know you can.

This is simply a reminder of what you already know. But let it in this time, Friend, let it in.

From your biggest supporter—with unconditional and unending love,


25 comments add a comment

25 comments to " FROM GOD "

  • Kimberly Spratt

    Thank You God, I have been learning and Un-learning so much. I am Grateful for so much. Love & Light Always Kimberly

  • Sandra

    I really needed to hear this cos it’s hard at the moment

  • Linda Devine

    This came at exactly the right time! Thank you God 💜🙏🏻

  • Amanda jones

    Always love these messages, they always come at just the right time. Thank you so much

  • JOANNE Karmik

    Oh I really needed this…….

  • Liz C

    So needed this, right at this moment

  • Stephen

    Sorry God, I don’t agree. Some things can be directly attributed to the actions of the person who is affected. What about natural disasters. They are even called acts of God. And the small kid that gets terminal cancer? Responsible or not? Genocide? The Holocaust?
    And allowing what is happening in Syria and Iraq? I don’t want to sing “all things bright and beautiful anymore.”

    • Boni

      Hi Stephen,

      Since God doesn’t frequent the comments on His messages (directly anyway), I thought I’d jump in here. :)

      This is a really difficult thing to understand for all of us. In fact, I’m launching a new video blog next year and this is one of the first questions I answer.

      And perhaps you’re right, some things cannot be “directly” attributed to the person affected. But that doesn’t mean they (and we) don’t have power. It doesn’t mean they/we didn’t allow it. All things are not “bright and beautiful” right now. But they can be.

      We create through making things happen, and we also create by letting things happen. And if we take our power back we CAN create that “bright and beautiful” future for our world. It won’t happen overnight. It won’t happen without help. But it can happen.

      Sometimes when the light goes on you see where you need to sweep the dirt off the floor. Or create a whole new floor. Waking up is hard to do.

      Respectfully and with love,

      • Stephen

        I suspect we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Most of what constitutes the idea that people create their reality in the Louise Hay style premise that everyone is 100% responsible for everything in their life is faulty. It is based on the utterances of disembodied entities being channelled through the likes of people such as Esther Hicks, Jane Roberts et alia. Not to mention ND Walsch and others who channel God.
        I go along with the premise that our beliefs, behaviour and actions can make a huge impact on what happens to us. But other things, people,events also have an impact. A person who is killed along with others in a school shooting by a crazed gunman still requires the gunman. If the the victims of the shooting have victim consciousnesses (and to establish that would be difficult) there still require a co- creator to pull the trigger. A woman who is in an abusive relationship that leads to her death may be responsible to the extent she stayed in the relationship is still not responsible for her demise. Her psychotic partner is.
        The Holocaust could not have happened without the participation of the Nazis who orchestrated the Final solution, rapacious evil German corporations who used concentration camp slave labour and provided the gas, and the guards and doctors who worked in the camps.
        I truly believe that some things that happen to us are solely our responsibility such as a smoker who dies from lung cancer; some things are partially our responsibility e.g. a mother who takes her children in the car to Walmart and is hit by someone who has been knocking back shots of bourbon in a neighbourhood bar. And some things are just random or caused by things totally beyond our control e.g. stock market crashes and earthquakes.
        Just because I believe we are not 100% responsible for everything that happens to us does not
        preclude us from taking 100% responsibility in the way we respond to it by mitigating its impact on us or turning , what Viktor Frankl states in a recording of him I own, a tragedy into a triumph.

        How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

        Anne Frank

        • Boni

          Hi Stephen,

          I suspect we will have to agree to disagree, as well.

          But there is one aspect that you point out that I do agree with. And it’s the paradox of conscious creation. We do create (by causing or allowing) everything in our “illusion”…AND we have real impact as well. Our actions towards others matter–we can hurt or heal. We can mitigate damage. We can love–the most powerful force there is.

          Creation is complicated. Energies that we are not conscious of are creating our world. But when we take our power back–first learning to be empowered by creating our own beautiful life– then we can have even greater impact on others and the world. It’s not something we can do overnight. But it IS possible.

          Thank you for your honest thoughts and your respectful writing.

          with love,

          PS Love that Anne Frank quote!

  • Joanne Karmik

    Thank You…. Perfect for me today……..

  • Michele

    Thank you for your unconditional support

  • Lonnie


  • Sandra

    Lovely message

  • Kandy

    So much love & gratitude in my heart, it overflows, mixed w/my tears. <3

  • Ruth

    Thank you. I needed to hear this!

  • Debbie

    This message could not have come at a more appropriate time! My sincerest gratitude for all that has been given me. :)

  • Judith

    I thank Spirit for today’s and every reminder…encouraging truth always. Perfect timing… With sincere gratitude…

  • Kevin

    I look forward to the message every week and this one really really matches how Ive been feeling the last 2wks thks x7 from the future owner of the Philadelphia 76ers.

  • Natalia

    Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gayla

    Your wonderful, lovely words fell on receptive ground. Thank you.

  • Miguel Ramos

    I love getting these messages. It always brings these important ideas and ways of framing my reality back in focus so I don’t fall into old routines. Keep them coming!

  • thembisile

    Thanks I needed this it came at a right time thank you so much

  • Holiday

    Thank you God for the reminder of what I can do with you by my side!!!

  • Michelle

    Love, love L♡VE!!!

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