Hello there,
Oh how exciting it’s getting here in your future! I can barely keep from grinning all day long. It’s exciting, it’s surprising, it’s exhilarating and it feels so safe and so right.
Yes, Friend, we made it! I say “we” because you helped me get to this spectacular life. Do you want to know how you did it? Ah, I thought you would.
Well, you stopped pretending that you could and made a deep core decision that you absolutely would. You stopped pretending you aren’t powerful and stood up tall and took your power back.
And, oh, this is the best part—you began to imagine me! You began to imagine the “you” that you would become—me! And you began to imagine your future different than your present.
Come on, Friend, do it now. Imagine the future you want, and don’t give any energy at all to the future you don’t want. How filled with sparkling light can you imagine it? How abundant can you imagine it? How filled with love and support? How easy and elegant can your life become? How FUN?
That’s right—let that imagination soar!! It’s your imagination that is the creative energy for the future you choose.
And while you are imagining, Friend, imagine a world with people from each and every land, respecting each other, allowing for differences and accepting each other as the brothers and sisters they truly are. Imagine a peaceful world where each person knows in his or her heart that we are one.
Yes, your imagination can help heal the world. And I can tell you firsthand—it is an awesome world to be a part of.
With loads of love,
Your Future Self
P.S. There is no hurry to get here Friend. One step (one imagining) at a time will bring you here slowly, maybe, but surely. You’re gonna love it here— but don’t forget to love the journey here as well.
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