Hello there,
I’ve been observing you lately. And I see some things in your energy field that you might want to change in order to help me become more alive, vibrant, excited, and to impact your life in a really positive way.
I know you want to feel passionate, Friend. I know you want to feel excited about life. But oftentimes you’re just not. And I think I know the reason why: It’s your thoughts and your attitudes. Your thoughts and attitudes are creating emotions. And those emotions are dampening your spirit.
Some of your thoughts and attitudes that are messing with you (and me) are:
• I’ve got so much to do!
• Life is pretty much the same, day in and day out. (Oftentimes this is accompanied by a sigh.)
• I don’t have the luxury of doing what I love. I need to do the things I have to do.
• My to-do list comes first. And if I have any time left after that, then I’ll do what I love.
• Someday I’ll get around to figuring out my passion. Then I will live a life I love.
Here are some thoughts you might want to replace them with:
• I will complete what I need to complete today. And anything I don’t complete today can be completed tomorrow. More important than how much I do is how good I feel. I intend to feel focused, happy, peaceful, and grounded and to enjoy every minute of today.
• Life is an amazing adventure! Every day gets more and more exciting. I can’t wait to see what wonderful surprises happen today!
• The things I love to do take top priority in my life! I need to show myself and my subconscious mind what I most value, and I do that by making time to take care of me and my highest joy!
• The things I am excited about deserve to be acted upon. I will make certain (as much as possible) to follow my passion and excitement. Because I know, the more I do that, the better my life will get (not to mention the more fun I will have!).
• I may not know the complete details of what my mission is on earth, or what will I will ultimately feel most passionate about. But I do know that every time I act upon my highest excitement I come closer to fulfilling my purpose and I am one step closer towards living a life I love.
Change your thoughts, change your life, Friend. And my life too!
With tons of love (and passion) for you,
Your Spirit
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