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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

Close your eyes dearest one, just for a moment, and imagine me next to you. You can imagine me in a female body—with eyes filled with love for you. Perhaps a slight glow emanates from me. You may see details of my flowing clothes and more, or you may simply imagine a presence. Whatever you imagine I look like, it’s perfect for you. Trust that.

Then, feel me wrapping my arms around you and close your mental eyes as well. Now just “be”—you and me together—one love, one light. Let my love and light permeate you and lift your resonance to as high as you’ll allow. Rest, dear one, in this peaceful, love-filled, cocoon of light. And when you’re ready, open your eyes.

These can be challenging times, Friend. The more you can steal a few moments and blend with me to consciously raise your resonance, the easier these times will be. It needn’t take long—and the effects will be cumulative. These blendings will positively affect your emotions, your mind, your physical body and even your reality.

It’s important for you to know that you are doing well, Friend. Challenges aren’t necessarily a bad thing—they can be a sign of growth. And every time you grow you need to let go of the old, and dream your life anew. Be at peace with change.

And if you call on me to help you—I will. Simply say, “Soul, please assist me in allowing my growth to be as easy, elegant, and light-filled as possible.”

All my love,

Your Soul

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