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I’ve had the latent desire to be a writer all my life. But being a shy and timid person, I lacked the self confidence and ambition to pursue the path. The universe, however, had the conviction to make me follow my dream.

Within the span of the last 6 months, its sent me countless signs and resources in the most unexpected ways to nudge me in this way:

1. A friend of mine decided to take me to a literature festival where I met my favorite author – Ruskin Bond, who gave an inspiring speech on pursuing your dream of writing.
2. My brother recommended a new TV show that I started watching, Castle, which chronicles the live of a mystery writer and my best friend has been urging me to watch the show Being Erica which is also about a woman wanting to be a published author!
3. A friend’s friend showed me the advertisement of a short story writing contest and a romantic novel publishing call while we were casually browsing the bookstore of a mall.
4. And the best one – I took the Myers Briggs personality test which told me I was an INFP, according to which “INFPs tend to be brilliant writers and they can be extremely persuasive when writing about a cause that they consider important. It goes without saying that some of the greatest writers were or are INFPs – this personality type is unmatched when it comes to writing skills. If you are an INFP and such a career interests you – by all means, give it a try, especially since internet gives you an excellent platform. You will likely be pleasantly surprised.”

It was as though my unseen friends and higher self were flashing neon banners in the sky saying, “You should become a writer!” Needless to say, that’s exactly what I plan to do. :)

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