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Errr. Wow.
Last night 28.10.20 (UK Style date) I came across this website and kinda felt inspired.
I am by nature a sceptic and very much science-based guy. It is only in the last few months I seem to be more open to these activities.
I thought hard and the last thing before going to sleep asked all the matter and forces in the Universe help me with upcoming money problems facing up to redundancy, early retirement, covid work place issues etc.
Did I get a sign? First thing this morning (29.10.20) my wife got to work (Nursing Sister) and messaged me that she had just got a pay rise of plus £4k p.a. due to changing roles and hitting the top of her grade.
If that isn’t an immediate sign, I don’t know what one is?
I am a bit shaky ….. it’s hard to ignore, isn’t it.

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