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I am self employed and work as a consultant for various clients. In the past 2 years both my professional and personal life have grown… so have my needs within my career.

I started with working with the the following intention: I intend to create work that is rewarding, exciting, pays more than I can even imagine, has fun and creative co-workers is located ideally for me, and makes me feel appreciated, prosperous, joyous, creative, balanced, respected, excited and eternally thankful.

After a few weeks working on this approach I noticed that one of my existing clients start to push away on the amount of work they were giving me. At first I was nervous, then I realized that they were not in alignment with the intentions that I had for my career. I looked at this as a sign that I had to let go of some clients in order to make room for better ones to come in. A few weeks later I received a cold call to interview with somebody that I had never worked with before. A week later I received the great news that they would want to hire me and start a new professional relationship. I am so grateful to have and know that there ARE clients out there that fit with me and my needs.

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