Hello there,
Do you want to know one secret to a longer, happier life?
I’ll tell you—it’s to suck the juice out of life.
You probably want to know what I mean by that?
I mean—stop sleeping through your life. Wake up! And let your senses revel in your physical and emotional experience.
Don’t just clean the house—As you do the dishes—bask in the feeling of the warm water on your hands. As you straighten the living room—take in the beauty around you. As you make the bed and do the laundry—feel the love and gratitude for the niceties of your home. Allow yourself to experience the joys of the place you reside—the comfort, the warmth, the colors and the scents.
Don’t just eat a meal with friends—Remember who they are—living representatives of God and Goddess. Enjoy them fully—embrace their love and your love for them. Let your senses come alive as if you were eating for the very first time. Let your surroundings and the entire experience be magical!
Don’t just go to work—Be fully present in your body, mind and spirit (me!) when you work. Engage fully. Remember you have taken on a responsibility and challenge yourself to do it to the very best of your ability. Remember and focus on what you love about it.
Bring your “A” game. And make it a “game” of doing the very best job you can, feeling and thinking and “showing up” as if your life depended on it.
Because Friend, your life does depend on it. No—you won’t die if you do your job (or your life) half asleep. But on the other hand, part of you does die when you live life half-assed—me.
Act as if this were the last day of your life! Or, if you prefer, act as if this were the first day of your life. Live your life sensuously.
And just you wait—your world will respond. More opportunities will present themselves. More good things will happen.
And you will be having so much fun you won’t even care that they do—it will just be more of the same—more fun and fully lived experiences!
I love you Friend…
Your (Juicy) Spirit
P.S. Start slowly if you like, one piece of your day at a time. But I’m warning you—it gets addictive to live life fully alive and juicy. Are you ready for that?
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