Hello there,
Doesn’t it feel great to be excited? When you are excited, I come alive! Excitement is the best feeling ever (besides love, that is).
And the cool thing is, excitement produces more excitement. The same as passion produces more passion. Feeling anything is an incubator to birth more of the same feeling!
Now that rocks.
But Friend, sometimes it’s not so easy to feel excited, is it?
Sometimes you wish you could feel excited, or passionate, but it just isn’t there, right? Hey, I’ve been observing.
Here’s the thing though, you are the one with power. You are the one who chooses. You are the one who can change everything.
Try movement Friend.
Move your body—find some really fun, uplifting music and dance it out.
Move your mind—stretch the limits of your imagination—how crazy, wildly great could your life be? Read books that stretch your concept of the possible.
Move your life—switch something up. Even if it’s taking a new route home from work and seeing the world with new eyes. Say hello to a stranger. Do something loving for someone who doesn’t expect it.
Start small if you have to, but move, with the intention of becoming more excited about life.
You see—status quo produces status quo. And even a tiny bit of excitement, if you feed it, will produce more and more and more.
Now how exciting is that? At the very least allow yourself to get excited about the idea of more excitement in your life!
I love you Friend—to the moon and back…
Your (loving) Spirit
P.S. Seriously, you are creating it all. WHOA. If you really let that in, and I mean really—there is no way you could not live every moment of your life totally jazzed!
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