Hello there,
As much as I know you want to be closer to me, I also feel you pull away. As much as you want to receive and bask in my love, I also feel you deny yourself that love at the same time.
But Friend, there is nothing to fear and nothing to live up to.
I love you—unconditionally.
I expect nothing of you—I only hold dreams for you.
I do not judge (no matter what anyone tells you)—ever—I have only compassion for you and the challenges you face.
Don’t you see? You are perfect—just the way you are. You don’t need to change, you don’t need to become more and you don’t need to achieve anything.
Love you.
But if you want more, if you want to grow, if you want create a heaven on earth of your life—then I will support you in those dreams. I will support you in all your dreams.
You see, we set up this playground called Earth for you to create your dreams in 3D living color. We thought it would be fun. And part of the game was forgetting who you are and what you are capable of, so you could remember.
And you have forgotten enough. It’s remembering time now.
The biggest gift you could give to Me, yourself and your world, is to dream dreams, create those dreams, and live a life filled with joy. When you do that everyone benefits by your essence—your vibration—so filled with the energies of expansion and light.
Do me a favor, Friend. Dream today. Dream big. Dream bold. And know, dear one—KNOW you have all the power in the world to make those dreams come true—and so many more.
With tremendous love for you,
P.S. Imagine your dreams coming true, Friend. See them. Feel them. Feel the joy and the excitement knowing that they will materialize. And realize, it’s only the beginning…Dreaming begets dreaming. Joy begets joy. And love—oh love—begets love.
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