Hello there,
You’ve heard the phrase “let your spirit soar”—God how I love that phrase.
The words don’t do it justice—but when your spirit soars you come alive with joy, with excitement and with possibility!
I WANT that for you, Friend! I want every day of your life to be juicy with intrigue, with anticipation and delight!
And, here’s the thing…IT CAN BE!!
Don’t ya get it? You are creating this whole crazy dream.
Yeah, yeah, I know—it sure doesn’t seem like you are creating it does it?
But the sky looks blue too—that doesn’t mean it is—it just appears as though it is. Things aren’t always what they seem.
I know you have heard how powerful you are numerous times, Friend. However you are ready to “get it” on a deeper and more profound level than you ever have before.
But here’s the deal—you have to show up. You have to be proactive. You have to do your part.
You begin…by imagining what you want. You can’t skip this part. It is important.
For instance you could write down ten things you want to happen. Right now. Ten things. Imagine them happening and expect them to happen.
And they CAN happen, if you keep expecting them to. And they WILL happen if you BELIEVE that they will. You CAN do this.
I love, love, love you!
Your Spirit
P.S. Lives don’t change overnight, Friend. They change one creation at a time, as you gradually begin to know you are the master of your universe. And you can hasten that change…by letting your spirit soar!
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