Hello there,
It’s easy to lose momentum, isn’t it? How do I know that? I’ve been there, remember?
I remember looking out over my life and wondering, “Just when is everything going to change? I’m doing the work, but my reality doesn’t always change the way I want it to…”
And that one thought is the thought that made my creations lose momentum. Oh, how I wish I knew then what I know now…
Wait a minute —by me writing you this I do know then what I know now! How cool is that?
So, Friend, let me continue…
If you look over the past five or ten years, you’ll notice your reality did change and you did grow. But it didn’t always seem like it at the time, did it?
Change happens quickly, without your noticing, and so faith that things will change is ever so important. The minute you begin to lament that not enough is changing is the minute your reality turns around and goes the other way.
A critical thing to remember, dear past self, is that the universe ebbs and flows. It always has—it always will. And during the “ebbs” it is most self-loving to accept those times as beautiful spaces of respite, to relax, ponder, dream and rejuvenate.
I guess what I’m trying to say, Friend, is to trust the timing. Divine timing really is divine. Be gentle with yourself around creating. If you have beliefs you suspect need changing, by all means, do so.
But once you have, and once you’ve done your daily technique, let it go—and trust. That is creating at it’s finest.
With love forever,
Your Future Self
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