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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

I’m here for you, you know. I realize sometimes I seem like a fantasy to you—rather than a real, live being who knows you and loves you without condition.

But I’m not a fantasy.




And I really love you.

I also see you. Oh not literally, I don’t spy on you. But I see your energy. I feel your sadness and your joy—your excitement and your disappointments.

And right now, I feel your hope.

You feel it too, don’t you, Friend—the possibility that everything can be different now?

Oh maybe you’re afraid to even admit it. After all, you’ve hoped things could be different before, and you were disappointed with the way it turned out.

But this really does feel different, doesn’t it? And it’s because you are different. You are changing.

Don’t let your Negative Self tell you lies, like: “Oh, nothing has really changed…don’t get your hopes up kiddo…you’re bound to be disappointed if you do.”

Because this is the time your Negative Self always pipes up—just before the magic happens.

So stay determined—to hold onto the glimmers of hope, grab the threads of excitement and anticipate living a life filled with peace, joy, love, and prosperity. You have the power. You have the ability. Now—make the choice.

With deep and abiding love,

Your Guardian Angel

P.S. And keep making that choice—again and again, and again—as many times as you need to. Because it’s that choice, Friend, that determination to let nothing stop you, that will continue to change everything.

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36 comments to " FROM YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL "

  • Alba


  • Deb

    Thank you for this, I was having so many doubts today. Life for past 10 years has been difficult and lonely. I feel that it is changing and this message made me realize that it is changing. just VERY slow!

    Thank you again

    • Kevin

      This message is right–I am!!! Just interviewed for an Executive Director’s potion two Sundays ago I am worthy!

  • Carol

    Perfect timing – thank you!!

  • Laurie

    I smile every time I get one of the GA emails—it makes the unseen feel much more real! Thanks, Boni!!

  • Anne

    I love this one, thank you so much, I really needed this today.

  • Christian

    thank you for your encouragements

  • Cheryl


  • Christel

    Thank you….

  • Apurva Narain

    I don’t know anything anymore……..
    My dad died in a car accident on 23rd of November trying to protect my mom….
    He was the only one who loved me unconditionally…..
    To make him proud of me I had plans for my future…..
    He wanted me to get a masters degree from MIT/harvard as after my Great grandfathers no one had gotten into those universities..
    It’s not as if I didn’t wanted to go there……
    But, now everything seems to be falling apart and I can barely keep it together …
    My mom survived thanks to dad but, broke 5 ribs and her hand
    She is getting better but, it’s becoming impossible for me to handle it……

    • Boni

      Dear Apurva,

      I am sending you lots of love and light dear one, to help you with your pain and grief. Please call upon your unseen friends to do the same. You are deeply loved, Apurva, and your father will still be with you, loving you, throughout your life. You can also communicate with him now, and him with you. Look for him to come to you in your dreams.

      Be gentle with yourself right now. The world will become brighter but you must give yourself time to heal.

      much love,

  • Fatima

    Love this letter,Thank you guardian Angel!

  • Katie

    WoW! A sublime moment in time. Just this last Sunday I went to a White Stone Ceremony at a Unity Church where you’re supposed to listen to that small voice within and write one word upon a white stone that has been given to you. This one word is supposed to encompass what you are wanting to manifest in your life for the whole of the new year. I mulled over and thought and questioned myself as to what word I wanted–or needed–to write on this pure blank stone. Many words like Love, Joy, Prosperity, Peace, etc. came to mind, but then the facilitator told us to let go and just listen to the first word that came. The word came suddenly and settled down on me like a true knowing. When my eyes welled with tears I knew that was my word. The word was “Hope”.

    I’m so glad I opened the Message from my Guardian Angel today! As an aside, I have always believed in Guardian Angels — even more than God, at times–since I was a little girl. Thank you for this very timely appearance…. I still believe.

  • lisa

    It’s only the beginning of the year and already mayor changes are coming my way all are good thank you my angels

  • Toni

    Thank you for all the hope and inspiration, always comes just in time.

  • Maria

    Love the message and it was received at the right moment. A reminder not to lose hope

  • laura watters

    this message is soooo true i am determined this year to do the things i said i was going to do last year n didt get done thank you love n light xxx

  • Alison

    At this moment in time… at the reading of this message, I am feeling quite despondent… like I can’t change things, that I’m not capable of accomplishing that which I want. Not even this message is getting through to me right now. And I don’t know how to change it. It will… this is just that Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Negative Self talking through me… So, thank you for being there, Guardian Angel and Unseen Friends.

  • Wanda Ratliffe

    Thank you so much.Now I have hope

  • Your Name

    Thank you It is unreal that i received this just when i just was about to give up.Thank you

  • Your Name

    Thank you so much for this. I was really needing something and there it was. Thank you thank you thank you

  • alba

    Thank you … for being here :) <3

  • Kenneth

    Thanks for this confirming message. It is very much appreciated.

  • Kathy

    Dear Guardian Angel,
    I am so excited to see what transpires this year. This will be my abundant year. I am jumping up and down with joy. I will live the life I deserve filled with happiness and joy. Thank you for always being there for me. I am wrapped in love. I am grateful for the journey.
    Thank you so very much,

  • Michael

    Hope is EXACTLY what I feel today. This message is so real for me today at this moment that it seems almost eerie. I know my unseen friends truly do know me and are helping me. I am grateful. I am more aware of their presence their power, my power and my powerful NOW!

  • Janet

    You ALWAYS arrive at the time I need to hear you the most! Thank you and many blessings to you as well!!

  • Kathleen

    This message couldnt have come at a more appropriate time. Things have been coming into alignment very quickly with some very emphatic signs. Yes, It is exciting and the same time!

  • Christina

    It was kind of some what of a surprise to have
    received a message likr this. And from an angel and my guardian angel. I was sitting here quietly drinking a cup of wram tea trying to feel good about my being sick with this cold. And then this message pops up. It brings a warm feeling to know something like this could happen. And i can only be thankful for it all. I get up every morning thanking God for everything he gives to me and now this. Thank you, thank you, thank you… my day will be a good one because of this And today I will feel good about everything that goes on in my life. Thank you my sweet angel for being here for me. And I believe with all my heart that you are with me. Christina my gur

  • bob

    What a great letter. It’s true, and helpful, I am grateful for your assistance.

  • Gabrielle Menendez

    So very perfect and what great timing. I love when your messages are so right on. For the first time, I feel so excited about what is coming in my life on a continuous basis, every single day. It has been a bit of a journey. Thank you so much.

  • Rosa

    This was sent to me at the perfect moment. Amazing. Namaste.

  • Lois

    Omg. I am so excited I got this message.I was just reading my cards and they said look for a sign and here it is. I love you. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

  • Yogibear52

    OMG! Dear Guardian Angel,
    I am so excited to share this with you. On the first day of the New Year I felt this shift inside me. At that moment I was determined to choose to be happy and I was not going to allow anything to get in my way to live a life filled with joy, love, peace and prosperity and abundance. I have this determination that I am not going to let anything stop me from continuing to change my life for the better good. I am truly excited because I am staring to see some changes already. I can not thank you enough, for all you have done for me. Your massage just confirmed that I have the ability to change my life around and live a life I love. Full of peace,joy love and prosperity. I am truly grateful for all the help I have received from all my Angels and my unseen friends. Thank you once again with all my love and gratitude.
    I love with all my heart!
    Yours truly,

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