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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

It’s time now.

You know it. And I know it.

It’s time to let go of the old stories—the stories of who you are and what your life can be like. It’s time to stop pretending you are not powerful.

And it’s time to stretch into futures you didn’t dare to dream just a few months ago.

Oh, I know you’ve toyed with the big dream here and there. The one where your life is exactly how you want it to be.

But you haven’t quite let it be a real possibility, have you?

Well not only is it possible, dear Friend, it is going to happen.


Why you and I are going to make it happen of course.

You still want it, don’t you? It is, after all, your choice. But for heaven’s sake, why wouldn’t you want the big dream. Your reality all just a dream anyway. Why not dream up the best life possible, right?

Your job is to get excited about this new life of yours. And when the thoughts come in that put doubt in your mind, realize that is your Negative Self talking, and gently send them on their way.

My job will be to support you and to help you to discover the beliefs that stand in your way. Now, I can’t talk to you directly, but I can talk to you in meditation or during your times of solitude. I can also send you little messages here and there. You’ll have to pay attention to hear me though.

I am so excited for you, Friend. Your life is going to be amazing!!

With deepest love,

Your Soul

P.S. I forgot to mention, you do need to ask me to help, before I can really be of assistance. Every night, before bed, invite me in. I can work with you in your dreams. And in the mornings, you will be a tiny bit closer to creating that fabulous life of yours!

47 comments add a comment

47 comments to " FROM YOUR SOUL "

  • Amy

    I love these messages. Thank you! I will let go of my limiting beliefs and live the big dream!

  • Jan

    Thank you so very much for the positivity you are sharing with me.
    Our souls must be treated gently and lovingly. Every day we wake up I feel it is important to greet the day with a positive outlook. As a breast cancer survivor I value this amazing support. What else can I say to you but thank
    you. Much love & light 🎀🌸🎀❣️🎀🌸🎀

  • Alba


    • Sharon Duffy

      I love the Soul Messages. It energizes me, and gives me great hope for manifesting the life I truly want… Thank You. Love Sharon.

  • Kimberly

    Thank You, I have always known you were there guiding me, I am feeling things shift and I am grateful. My world have been rocked, my mind blown, and much more as the saying goes ‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure’ Love & Light Kimberly

  • Cindy

    Thank you for the reminders, they are so helpful with my mindset. I can do this with your help. ❤️

  • Aver

    thank you for concern

  • Linda

    Thank you I am trying

  • Patti

    Thank you for your messages – the more the better, please! I am so grateful to know that you are here with me!

  • Ray

    Thank you for believing in me & always pushing me towards a better life. I know I must do my part to allow you to help me manifest my dreams. “Look” for me each evening & send me clear messages & images. Thank you future self.

  • Shaleen Grace

    Thank you for the wondeful wishes.I’ll keep that close to my heart and I’ll give my best shot for everything from now on.I’ll not give up.thanks again!

  • Juan J

    Thank you, Higher Self. I knew these dreams are going to materialize. Thanks for the reminder and your help.

  • Cheryl.....

    Thank you, thank you, thank you …I am eternally GRATEFUL!!!!!! you make my day, my week, my month, my year…my life♥

  • Amon banda

    Always on track my ANGEL am really grateful
    you are uplifting my life -may you kip up with da good work 1 love.

  • Melynda

    Thank you, you are a real angel xxxx

  • Edward lawless

    Love love love your Love

  • Lisa

    Thank you xxxxxx

  • Bonnie

    Thanks for the message that I am powerful. So helpful!

  • Cherylina

    As always………….when I see these messages waiting for me in my “in box”…… I really feel empowered. Change is just moments away. I know it!

  • Jeri Lynn

    I get so excited to read the letters. I am so ready for change.
    I feel it coming.

  • Linda

    Yes, it IS exciting + takes my breath away! What you are enabling me to do is priceless!

  • Virginia

    Thanks for the reminder to talk to my spirit before going to sleep so it can work some magic during quiet time.
    I’m slowly breaking loose from the old stories to make new ones. Getting closer.

  • Elfreda

    My husband passed away in July and I am in a state of STUCK these days with the grief work and not being able to see a future. I need help and guidance…I can’t seem to find my dreams anymore…I have to make new ones, but i get so confused.. I have “The Map”..and I’m trying…but like i say i get confused. I don’t recognize my life or myself right now. I need help.

  • Debbie

    Perfect timing

  • Janet

    Thank you, thank you, thank you – I needed this PUSH! I just closed my office because of medical issues, I haven’t been working since Feb and couldn’t pay rent. I have gotten complacent and allowed the victim role to permeate me temporarily……… I need the push! Thank you again!

  • VW

    This message from my soul has me live another day of possibility.

  • bob

    Love love love the message! Yes i ask for your help. I will remain open for your guidance.

  • Stacey

    What a timely message. Thank you so much for having faith in me.

  • sandy

    Perfect timing, as I had forgotten. Thank you!

  • Carol

    I absolutely love these messages. I have been working on changing my thoughts and attitudes for nearly two years now , and these notes remind me I am on my true path. I turned 60 this year, and I feel I have finally arrived !! Thank you!

  • sue

    Nice one always need topping up in Soul Speak thank You.x

  • alba

    Thank you … I needed that …brought big smile to my face this week has been about reminders…reminders that I needed so bad!!! <3 :)

  • Cris Cockrum

    Thank you…. Spot on

  • yolanda

    I needed to read this at this very moment in my life. I will be calling upon you more and more.

  • EtyubThe Chris Holcombe

    Thank you! You are always here. I invite you in to come and ‘be’ and stay as long as you can. Thank you.

  • Aimee Duffina

    I want to know we are moving soon


    How do i do this? I keep receiving messages and I tried the first exercise when you sent email out about being broke and just relax and i tried that and i walk to the mall and found $5 on the floor and I had this breathe of fresh air and idea to set up to do something for money. I can feel I can have a great life but people around me keep saying i am meant for doom. time is running out for me and i almost suicide when i wrote here and you had help me.

    • Your Name

      Wonderful that your life is starting to change for the better. Great you’re changing your thinking. That’s what receiving these messages does for us. So
      Important to be grateful and give thanks. I hope you go from strength to strength.

  • victoria

    Reading your messages always put me back on track to where I want to go. Always speaks to “me”. I enjoy your messages.

  • Nadia

    Thank you so very much for the hope and the support.. I do trust my soul!

  • Joan

    I do LOVE this message. Thank you dear Soul.

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