Hello there,
I would like you to get to know me better.
You see, I know you—inside and out. Oh, I know sometimes you would prefer I didn’t know you. There are some things you do that you’d rather I didn’t see.
But, dearest Friend, there is nothing you could do or say or be that would make me love you less. Nothing.
No matter what you do—I don’t judge you—ever. And my love for you is unconditional—always.
Oh I wish I could cradle you in my arms and tenderly hold you. I would banish all your fears with the knowledge that everything you are afraid of is merely an illusion. I would get you to see your beauty, grace and divinity.
But I know these are discoveries you want to make on your own. And so I will not rob you from your chosen experience.
But I will remind you dear one, of the unimaginable depths of love I have for you. And dear Friend, I remind you that I am here to do more than love you—I am here to assist you. When you are ready, all you have to do is ask.
And when you do, I will guide you. I will whisper in your ear. I will speak to your heart.
But you will have to listen carefully to hear me. You will have to be still and listen to that silent voice within you. Because that voice, dearest one, is me.
With all my love,
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