Oh my gosh, it’s happening! I read and listened to the audiobook for The Map about a year ago and followed through on the goals I committed to for 30 to 60 days depending on the goal. My life has changed immensely since then and the shift has manifested in my physical body, energetically, and now the shift seems to be hinting at taking place in the financial and romantic sectors of my life.
Yesterday (a year since I started this and, by the way, I did not keep up with this work the way I plan to for this coming year), I decided to devote my day to resetting my intentions and letting go of my limiting beliefs as I continue to navigate this huge shift in my life from exiting a career I had for over twenty years to moving into a new career, dealing with some health obstacles (which have actually made my life even better despite them being described as limitations), and devoting time to self-knowledge and self love. To reset my intentions: I purchased the “removing limiting beliefs” program, which is really similar to the practice in the book, but man is it so much easier with the recording. Then I worked with the “Dream Builder” to get clear on my intentions after this year of major personal work and life redirection.
The day that followed was incredible: I got five new possible customers for the dresses I sell through my dress company, a new very practical and useful dress design came to me for my dress company, I asked for some help financially and I received double the amount I intended to request, traffic seems to be avoiding me (I live in LA so this is huge), and I have full confidence in the team I’ve been putting together for my dress company over the past six months.
All of this happened in the last 24 hours, ever since I reset things!
I am committed to continuing the 90-day practice to embrace my new beliefs and am working through my Immediate Intentions daily and one Major Intention at a time.
I cannot gush enough about how grateful I am to get a map to becoming a happy, joyous, grateful creator, by higher power’s grace, with ease and elegance!
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