I have intentionally created so many things in my life since reading the Map years ago. Right after reading it the first time, I intended to create an extra $500 for Christmas and a car that would be perfect for me and would be reliable until I could get another. I was SO EXCITED because I KNEW it would happen.
I swear to the Universe that not more than 3 days went by and one morning I got a message from my bank that there was a $3500 deposit made to my checking account. Holy S$#@!!
I spent some on Christmas and I got a car that I still use today. Every time I get in my car, I say thank you for being so reliable and running until I get another car. To this day I do not know where that money came from. The secret is to be excited and not try to figure out how it will happen. This week I intend to create an extra $1000 to help pay off the trip I just took to Key West last week. Bring it on!!!
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