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I have worked at the same company for eight years. I enjoy the industry that I work in, and overall, I really like what I do, and the company I work for. The issue I have struggled with for the past year or so is the way my pay was structured. It was based on a salary plus bonus. I was hired using this structure and it worked for several years, but over the last year, my job had changed, but my structure did not which caused great stress for me. I have followed the Live a Life You Love blog and read the posts regularly, but never truly practiced intending for change to happen for me. I decided that intending for my pay structure to change to provide me more peace and enjoyment at work was the perfect test for me to try.

I began intending that a change would occur that would affect me in a positive way and that it would relieve the stress I felt daily. I went to work every day with this intention. I thought about it often, I visualized what my days would feel like when this change happened. Several months passed by… there were days when I thought this was obviously not going to work. There were days I wouldn’t pay attention to my intention, letting it fade for a while – like it was the punishment I was inflicting on the intention since it wasn’t panning out for me. Then, I would revisit it a week or so later, toying with the thought that maybe I should focus on it again. I will admit this cycle happened a few times.

One day, a Wednesday, I went to work as usual. I got a call for a meeting with the new VP of the company in 20 minutes. I thought I was getting fired. I guess punishing my intention must have created this potentially negative situation. I noted that. Then I refocused before going into the meeting. I did a quick visualization – almost like a last ditch effort to reverse the possible termination I might have created. I visualized that I was going to walk in, sit down with the VP of the company and he was going to tell me that my pay structure was going to change since my job had changed and they finally realized that this made more sense. I got up and walked toward the office.

I walked into the meeting, sat down, smiled… and the VP said “So, do you think you are getting fired?” and he laughed. I laughed back but didn’t answer. He quickly got to the point. He had brought me in to tell me that he and the new President of the company reviewed my role and pay structure and decided they were moving me to full salary since that made more sense for me and my new job duties.

It was kind of a surreal moment. I wondered if I was dreaming this or if this had actually just happened. IT HAPPENED! FOR REAL! But, I did essentially dream it before hand. My days at work are more peaceful now, and what I saw in my mind I now live every day at work. I can focus on my job, and I do it even better now that I made this happen!

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